Harvest Festival Service
@ St George's Church
22 Sept
Harvest Festival Lunch
Tickets £10
12.30 for 12.45
The Fun Quiz is Back!
Get your Teams ready!
Delicious Food,
Mental exercise & Lots of Laughter.
Dr K's Focus Session
Thur 26 Sept
4 - 5 pm
Fovant Village Hall
a large and complex organ
DINTON CE Primary School
Fri 20 Sept
from 9am
Fovant Village Hall
Sat 7 Dec 7.30pm
Tickets £10
FVH is delighted to secure this live performer with POUND ARTs Support
“Lovely… really special, immersive show”
Elizabeth Alker, BBC Radio 3
“Music to soothe the soul… He’s fantastic”
Ayanna Witter-Johnson, Scala Radio
“Unmissable… a must-see show”
Smugglers Spirits
“Complete genius and sonic exquisiteness… wonderful”
—Adam Walton, BBC Radio Wales
“Masterfully understated and laced with a magnetic sense of melody”
26 Sept -25 Oct
Salisbury will come alive with the tantalising aromas, exquisite flavours, and extraordinary talent that defines 'Taste Salisbury.'
This annual food festival is a highlight of the calendar and this year there are some extra tasty events happening across the city.
You can see a full list of all upcoming Taste events by clicking HERE.
in aid of
Walks completed in lovely sunshine.
If you sponsored us or would like to do so now.
please contact Felicity
Tel: 01722714767
Following approval at the cabinet meeting last week and Full Council this week,
Wiltshire’s Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan
will now move to the next public consultation stage.
The public consultation begins on Tuesday 20 August until 5pm on Friday 4 October. To enable you to find out more about the Development Plan document and ask questions, we are holding five engagement events at different locations around the county and one online engagement event.​
Karen Linaker
Strategic Engagement & Partnerships Manager
Volunteers needed
for the
Wednesday After School Club
@ Waterside
which is starting up again after the Summer break.
Contact Chris
13 Oct
Saturday 5 Oct
Saturday 2 Nov
Saturday 7 Dec
Can you spare a little time on the first Saturday of the month?
Meet @ 8.45 am - 10 am to tidy the Churchyard in Fovant.
Contact: Blair Agnew 714414 or just turn up
Clay's Orchard PROMPT on
13.50- 14.10
15 Oct
12 Nov
10 Dec
7 Jan
4 Feb
St George’s 50/50 Lottery Club
The winning numbers in the Aug 2024 draw are
£30 121
£20 32
£10 66
This is the 10th draw of the ‘Lottery Year’. Many thanks for your support. You are supporting a worthwhile cause.
Liz Daw 714362 and
Liz Daw 714362
Platinum Jubilee Fovant's Legacy
To commemorate the late Queen's Jubilee, various Art projects and installations have now been completed around the village;
the iron bench in front of 'Frog Pond' near the VIllage Hall, the beautiful Tile display inside the Youth Club, the columnar Acer on the Village Hall lawn and of course the stunning pebble Art installation in front of the Village Hall.
Our thanks to ALL the villagers who have created and contributed to these beautiful projects which enhance our village and mark such a significant occasion.
Dogs, Dogwalkers & Gamebirds
Many of you will have noticed the young game birds on some of the footpaths you regularly walk, and whilst most dog owners are very good at keeping their canine companions under control, there is a natural instinct in many to chase, catch and sadly kill. This is not good for your dog or the gamekeeper, Steve. Please can walkers keep to the footpaths (Walking route 6A in the Local Walks booklet HERE) and keep your dogs under control, thank you.
Fovant Parish Council
Fovant Village Hall Committee
If you think you might be interested in learning a little more about our friendly group which aims to provide a warm & welcoming hub for a range of activities for local people, please contact
Celia Haselgrove on
Fovant Bus Timetable to and from Salisbury
Weekdays - Leaving from Fovant High Street
7.50 (No 27) 9.15 (No 27) 10.04 ( No 26) 10.55 (No 26) 12.55 (No 26)
Returning from Salisbury (outside M&S) to Fovant
10.40 (No 26) 12.40 (No 26) 14.15 ( No 26) 17.12 ( No 27) 18.23 ( No 27)
To Salisbury - 7.52 ( No 26A) 9.56 ( No 26) 12.05 ( No 26) 14.55 ( No 26)
To Fovant - 12.55 ( No 26) 15.00 ( No 26) 16.40 ( No 26) 17.50 ( No 26A)
Sundays - NO service
Just £4 return for an Adult
Police Beat Officer
Neighbourhood Team
PS Joe SADWOSKI - josef.sadowski@wiltshire.police.uk
PC Georgina Russell -georgina.russell@wiltshire.police.uk
PCSO Stew Hunt - stewart.hunt@wiltshire.police.uk
Warminster Police Station, The Avenue, Warminster
101 Ext 32320
DD 01225 256636
Yoga Classes
@ Village Hall
Tuesdays 6 - 7pm
7 - 8pm
Come along
Be Refreshed
£10 per session
Whilst we are all aware of our rural setting and that bonfires are part of country life, respiratory illness in all generations is a growing trend, with bonfires causing exacerbation in diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructed airways.
Please could we ask that if you’re considering having a bonfire, you resist lighting it until after dusk when most residents will have closed windows and doors.
Your kind cooperation would be gratefully appreciated.
Fovant Parish Council
Every Friday
12:30 to 2:30
Wilton Community Centre
2 Feb onwards
Open for tea/coffee, a listening ear and a warm discreet space as well as accepting food bank vouchers
@ Village Hall
10am - 11am
£12 per session
3.30 - 5pm
ALL 5 - 11 year olds WELCOME.
Great range of activities and crafts for young people in the village.
If you are a parent and/or would like to volunteer, the youth club would be very pleased to hear from you.
Contact Julie Wallis
Saturday Morning Breakfast in
Village Hall
Our ever popular Village breakfasts! Eat in or Takeaway. From 9am - 11am in the Village Hall
Tap Class
7.45 - 8.45
Village Hall
Come along and join in with our very friendly and inclusive class which meets weekly.
at St George's Church, Fovant
At last! The work on the organ is beginning after such a long wait, during which it has enjoyed making some very peculiar noises and occasionally having a mind of its own. We think there has only been one overhaul in all the 98 years it has been working so it will be great not to have organists politely indicating that we should be doing something about it!
Although many people and organisations have been very generous and we are enormously grateful, we shall still have to make up the final part of the funds needed from savings, so if anyone feels they would like to contribute “PCC Fovant” would welcome a contribution.
Account No: 02981591, sort code 30-97-41, reference Organ Fund.
There is something pretty special about the sound of a good organ in a Church so let us look forward to that day when all is back together again without the dust and bat droppings!
Felicity Pinder